And, Thursday knows…!

Many a time as i amble down the jogging track in my condo, i meet her. But, for past few days, i have not seen her and have been thinking about her.

She has been special and seems, no noooo, perhaps, I’ve been special for her too. It was love at first sight when i I met her for the first time. She really caught my eyes. I stopped immediately. And, she knew it was her, so she advanced her hand towards me as a gesture of friendship.

“So, cute”, I said. Chubby, cute, furry..and then she blinked at me exactly the one Tom keeps giving his heart to. I mean, the guy in Tom & Jerry show.

I asked her mum what her name was. She said with a big exclamation, “Ooh! Her name is Thursday.”

“Thursday!”, i repeated with a bigger expression.

“Yup. Actually, i found her on Thursday. So, named her so.”

“Okie, but that’s a really cute one”, i said.

“Yeah! She is a lovely cat”, her owner-cum-mum came up with pride.

Indeed she is! I mean, now our friendship has gone ahead. I meet her often down. As i look at her lovingly, she sits down. And, then she lies down on the ground expecting me to run my hand over her furs. She is so lovable.

You know, Thursday knows…LOVE!

She is an animal, but she can sense the love in my look, my hello, my hand shake and my touch. Her acceptance of my love makes her lovable!

She is an animal and she understands love.

Wouldn’t it be so dumb to presume your other fellow human being doesn’t understand the feel of your look, your hug or your speech?

Some people really don’t understand this simple basic thing. That, one CAN FEEL the COLD HUG as much as WARM HUG, or hand, or look or the way they ask, “Hey, buddy how have you been?”, when they actually don’t mean an iota of it.

They know if you are saying something is out of love or not. My family and friends love when i cook for them. It is not that i a great cook. But, they know i have do it for them willingly and lovingly. People may make a five course meal and serve in the finest of table ware, but if there is no love, people will not be able to enjoy food.

A gift that is bought out of formality will be different from one bought out of love. Because, your love and thoughts have gone in it.

An embrace of love will express your feelings to the person without a single word needed.

I mean even your dog knows the loving feeling of your hands..Why can’t humans know that everyone knows love?

“If i speak in the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, i am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If i have the gift of prophecy, and if i have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, i am nothing. If i give all i possess to the poor and gave over my body to hardship that i may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” – 1 Corinthians 13:1- 3